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Attila Pentek
United Kingdom, West Midlands, Birmingham, B5 4BU
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Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 12:19:45 AM British Summer Time
Job Type remote
Salary -1 USD

If the concept of self-help resonates with you join our community of successful business owners and play a part of our global expansion in the Personal Development, Leadership Development and Wealth Creation industries. After our comprehensive training you will be the absolute owner of your marketing strategy.

Implementation of our marketing framework in advertising to your niche markets. The model gives you a well-established structure while maintaining your freedom over the actual marketing strategy.

✔ autonomy, independence of location and hours (full-time or part-time)
✔ work-life alignment
✔ uncapped income potential
✔ holistic self-growth
✔ simple, effective set of online business tools
✔ full training and ongoing support from experienced leaders
✔ proven, established business model
✔ global reach
✔ community of like-minded people
✔ industry not affected adversely by global fluctuations
(Indeed the need for self-knowledge and personal growth is even higher these days and our online courses effectively address this need.)

► self-discipline
► willingness to invest in yourself and constantly improve
► good organisational skills